Christmas Concert 2016

It arrived! All the singing and practicing has come to a climax! Today, she would perform in front of a large audience. Here is the program:
img_4828Her class was to be last. Ok, so we waited through all the adorable performances.

When the entered the stage, they carried their little pom poms at their sides and Tot took her place. Apparently Ms. Chris did not think to put her at the end. Nope. She put her right next to two tall tots. Ollie and Zoe. And oh did they show their stuff all at Tatum’s expense.


All was fine for the first song, apart from some stage fright. She’d never seen so many people watching before. Then, JOY TO THE WORLD was next. Pom poms ready? Shake shake shake! All in front of, on top of around Tatum’s face. Poor thing got completely smoooooshed and she made that face!img_6997

After I pryed my crying self from laughing hysterically off the floor, I cheered for the class! Hooray!
So, then, we were met by the LOVE’S after for some pics. Robert is now in another class, so he came and visited. They looked like they were ready for prom! Be still my heart.

Future mother in-law pics.


And a close up of the mommy-in law, Jennie. We love you!!!img_4853