October, 2019, I am working and listening to my favorite Christian artist, Toby Mac. I hear that he’s coming into concert in February and I INSTANTLY got online to buy tix for all of us to go.
Tatum would be most excited since we listen to him and know most of his songs. (by heart may I add!)

Now, the anticipation begins. Tatum is often found singing and praising Jesus. Did I say often? I meant ALL THE TIME. It’s very fun to be her audience. Cooper is too, by the way.

The day arrives. OH goodness, the excitement. I think I am the most excited!
Now, about Toby Mac. This 55 year old veteran of music is the real deal. By that I mean he walks the talk. His music/lyrics are filled with his heart cry for a deeper relationship with Christ, but also about the pain of the “Elements” of life. We all have “Scars,” but we must fight the demons. We also must keep our eyes on “Only You” and remember in “Everything” we see HIm. It’s a choice. “I Just Need U.” Sadly, his oldest son (he has six kids) just passed. He was his “prodigal.” The album, Elements, was dedicated to his son who didn’t return his phone calls. He missed him. Then he died. Bad choices, and it literally broke TM. His song “21” is dedicated to his passing. With that, I’ll share about the concert. I had been praying for him.
Well, now, we arrive at the concert venue. Tix on our phones, ready to rock and roll!
I wrote about our seats in “God Winks” that our seats were divinely chosen right up front.

The opening acts were all so exciting. Jordan Feliz was especially good with Glorify your Name!

Ryan Stephenson with “The Gospel.” We were right there!

OK, now we wait for TM!

He began at the end of the T!!! We were right there! He began with “ELEMENTS”. Goose bumps.

He later sang “21 years” about his son. There was complete awe and silence. Prayers.
“Are you singing with the angels; are you happy where you are? God has you in heaven, but I have you in my heart. “

More amazing songs….I just need U!

He came up often and you can see I was a bit excited! They are singing about uniting.

Thank you, Toby Mac. Thank you all who made the concert possible. Attending, there were babies, teens, elderly, all colors. Truly a “DIVERSE” crowd, as he put it, and that is what made it so special. If even just ONE came to a right relationship with Jesus after tonight, it would have been all worth it.