Sunday was a breakthrough day.
My dear friend Denise came over to visit Tatum and me. Tatum had just spent the morning fussing at Walmart in the customer service line. (Actually all of us standing in the customer service line were fussing internally, so Tatum was spot on.) I noticed when Denise cradled her in her arms, Tatum tracked with Denise’s eyes! She even seemed to say “Hi” with her cooing. I have been waiting for this magic day when Tatum would SEE me. Later on during the day, as alert as a nightwatchman, she smiled and cooed AT me, not just randomly. I think our relationship is gelling.
It makes me feel so honored when I can connect with her on this emotional level….our eyes deeply meeting and saying, “I love you with all my heart.”
Sunday also taught me that SOY is NOT the answer. Her little system is experiencing MORE constipation even with the laxative for which she was prescribed. Darn! She turns BEET RED as she pushes and pushes upon eating. Then, I noticed her checks were filled with spots and looked like a big bout of acne.
My mother and many researched blogs agreed…it’s the soy. OK! So, no to the milk; no to the soy. What is left? Enter Nutrimagen. This hypoallergenic formula promises to soothe her tummy and be the answer for her allergies. Really? Man, I hope so! I ran to Walgreen’s (AGAIN!), gasped at the price (it’s twice the cost of the others), prayed for this to be the “IT!” and ran home to feed her again.
Stay tuned.