Is soy the answer?

Happiness…I guess it’s what I seek for Tatum. This punctures me to the core because I can’t help her get it right now. Maybe this is my ego talking, but the confidence and security I have in myself is waning because I can’t ease her pain.

The process occurs every three hours seven days a week. She sucks down that bottle with every fiber of her being. I make funny faces with her and sing silly songs. Then about seven minutes later she stiffens up, kicks her legs and starts to wince. She is trying to release something very painful inside. So then it starts….I pull out every trick in the virtual book…anything! Patting her back, massaging her belly, rubbing her lower side, bicycling her legs, spinning her around on her head…Ok, that last one I don’t really do, but I’m ready to try it!

Finally, I put her down in the fetal position and lightly shake her legs as I insert binky. Please relax, Tater Tot! She eventually will fall asleep but with much consternation. Fussing will begin eventually, and this is when I question everything. Pick her up? Leave her alone? Wiggle her a bit? This haunts me daily.

Today, I switched to Prosobee after 6 1/2 weeks of Enfamil Gentlease. I pray it works for her and relieves her gas…today it was constipation. That poor girl’s digestion… As a child I loved Prosobee, so maybe she will too.

I love you Tater Tot. Please find your happy place.
