Look at this weather. It’s MAY!! Wow. And Phoenicians pull out their winter wear. What is going on? It’s usually 100+!?

So, Daddy decided to take the afternoon off and take us to Sugar Bowl.

Now, if you know anything about history, this is a landmark place. It has been in existence for about 60 years! I have been going since I was a little bitty thing with my grandma. It’s time to take Tatum. Plus they have the best hot fudge sundaes in all of the world.

We got my favorite booth! I used to sit here with Mimi (my grandma who died in 2012 at 101 years of age). It was an ode to her, of course!
Daddy first wanted to surprise Tatum with a NASA astronaut keychain from Washington D.C.

We decided to all order a regular one-scoop of vanilla drenched in hot fudge sundae. Now, I like to pour the piping hot goop on myself so I can watch it melt. Tot copied me. We also wanted whipped cream and of course sprinkles. She brought Tot and I a candle to celebrate. ( I wished for….I can’t tell you!!!). Tatum had never had a sundae like this before, and for me, it had been eons! I used to eat these more often, and it’s time I started again.

Dig in, Hay Family! Breathe please.

It’s getting closer to the bottom and there is NOT much rejoicing.

She’s not looking, so I’ll just partake of …..OOPS! Caught.

Ok, now Daddy is morose as well. We licked every drip and drop of chocolate and tit and tittle of sweetness from the bowls, plates and table. I think my family was craving sweets, no? It’s OK; we’ll be back soon, right? We’ll find a reason to celebrate I’m sure.

We headed home happily filled, and now we’re ready to tackle some projects. Daddy worked on the bathroom light fixtures and I worked on Cooper’s little bedroom. First, I had GCU stuff, but then, it’s all Cooper-time. Tot helped preparing for her little brother.

Good job TOT!

She’s checking the measurements. Yes, Cooper will love this place.

We did a little switerchoo and gave him more room in the front of the house. I love it.

And with blankets… So cozy and ready for you, buddy.

Tatum now had a whole little corner and it’s much more cozy for her. It’s looking good.

What a great day with my family. We celebrated and prepared. Daddy bought us Wildflower for dinner and that helped me immensely. Qwirkle, reading and prayers to end the night. Groovy day all and all.
XO to you and THANK YOU Daddy and Tatum for another amazing day.