Leaving the comforts Day 1

Getting uncomfortable by leaving home for a couple of days affords the ability to reflect and remind.

I have been preceding Tatum’s wake-up, however, this morning she beat me. I was surprised that she came into my room when it was still dark to draw me a picture. A love picture to put at the top of my suitcase.  Hearts and rainbows. 

I melted. I will miss this sweet girl even if it is only for two days.

After saying my goodbyes to Mama, Coti, and Tot, I headed for the airport in plenty of time not to rush.

When I arrived, all was fine with security, and I then sought to find a Starbucks. My sweetie got me this card last night so I wouldn’t be sans coffee in the AM!

(this picture doubles as an ID of where I parked since I don’t tend to clutter my brain space with these details. Better to just log it and go).

Fast forward to boarding the plane and finding my seat. I’m at the back with a few army vets who were all very kind and helpful. The announcement came on that there’d be no wi-fi or ability to watch a movie, so, I knew I’d have to do some work. I did bring a book but my eyes were so drowsy, I didn’t have it in me. So, I pulled out my computer and browsed pictures. I went far back….far back to about 2003.

It was interesting to look at pictures of who I was pre-Tatum. My life was dominated by my love of my job. I came upon this picture with some of my students.

And often they’d write on the board…

Sadly, I cannot remember their names, but I know at the time, they were my everything. So many of my pictures were of my kids!

I’ll never forget Marko… He drove me mad; he stole from me, lied to me…. BUT, he eventually, with lots of grace and patience,  came around and shined. (this was his graduation from 8th grade)

I really loved that part of my life as hard as it was.

Another theme dominated my life and that was this little white fluff ball.

Oh, what sweet little buddy he has been.

Then, November 22, 2012, my life took a complete turn.
This girl….this amazing little doll, changed my life. Changed me! Changed my outlook on life; My relationship with God; My ability to love and have compassion on others in a whole new way. She was/is my light.

There she is at just two!

She still lights up all around her at five!

And she brightens me…

You see, before Tatum, I did have a heart for others, especially youths. But, what Tatum gave me was empathy to understand. She gave me an understanding of how God feels about me (since that is how I feel about Tatum). If God loves me that much (so much that it hurts), then ALL people He must love like this. Ought not I do the same? Paradigm shift.

So, I am reminded of this and I then reflect on the blessings of my today.

I take out a card I received from my love, Douglas Hay, last night.

The love I receive! I have not been very good on the receiving, but I think this little girl has helped me truly appreciate the love I get back. He is such a gift. (Some of the pictures I perused in that 3-hour flight were of past flames. Nothing compares even in the slightest to Doug).

Time flew by pretty fast on this flight. I Uber’d to my hotel by a kind Army Vet named Kevin. I then put on my warm socks.

Warmed up my hands (Glad I brought these because a walk outside numbed my little fingers)

And now I can relax and say THANK YOU GOD for my blessings.

I love you Tot, Doug, Mama, and Coti.

Magic Bone

My sister-in-law had suggested that I start reading chapter books to Tatum. This is a great idea to get her to transition into books with little to no pictures. She is forced to imagine what is on the page! She also is forced to have no wiggles during the chapter read.

Well, I discovered a super series! We have now been through 6 of the 12 Magic Bone series of books.

The narrator and protagonist is a cute little puppy named Sparky. Each book starts with Sparky and his “two-leg” (owner) named Josh. Josh usually scolds him for something, and he chews a bone which transports him to a new place. Each book is a new place: London, Tokyo, Hawaii, Washington D.C

We have fallen in love with this little puppy. Plus, we enjoy reading them together.  It’s hard not to finish a book a day!
Ok, onto read!

It’s coooooold outside

It’s that time of year in Scottsdale where it drops below 70. Yep, we get out our sweaters and our cozies, and try to keep warm. Wool is not in our vocabulary, so we function on layering.

My little fingers don’t do well in the cold! They go through a numbing period and turn all colors of the American Flag. Today, one finger just stayed white.

Well, the cold also  means we are ready for the holidays! Tatum and I are making gift bags once again this year. She had to do most of the cutting and pasting, as opposed to last year where she barely did the pasting. Yeah Tot!

The fun will now be filling the bags with cookies and giving them out!

In the meantime,  we are finding the nearest blanket to hide under and stay warm.

Happiness is a shell in your pocket….(wall art!)

and sand in your toes.

I was inspired by our trip to Coronado to draw a shell. I also saw this picture at the Hotel Del.


Tatum also has a wall filled with my art. She is a fan who is easy to please, so I figured she’d love a nautilus shell.

This was the picture I would draw

So, I started….

And used over 20 colors!

It’s coming along…

Then you cover it all with white pencil and reapply color

Honestly, it took me months to complete this shell. It was much harder than I anticipated. But with much sweat and a few tears, I completed!

I framed and gave to Tot.

It is so rewarding to see her enjoy it.