It’s BAAAAAACK. That nasty cough. She’s had this for years, and I feel nothing but loathing for this thing. It keeps her up all night; it inhibits her activity, it tires her out; it embarrasses her; and it keeps all of us up with not only from the cough but the worry.
So, I kept her home on Tuesday to take her to the Dr. again. We need to make sure we are doing all it takes to help her.

We arrived to Agave, and she was reminded of her past visits! She loves playing on this swirly thing.

Oh, the joy of being back, eh?
The weight and height were taken. 37.4 lbs and 41 inches. (slowly she grows; hooray!)
And then we wait and pray; Praying for wisdom and help from Dr. Bloomenthal.
The breathing treatment monstrosity came out, and Tatum obliged.

After, her little heart was racing, and she said she hated it. The doctor told me I could have one of these lovely machines of my very own, so I agreed. Tatum had a FIT. NO WAY IS SHE DOING THAT AGAIN. (Well, I get it, but I ordered one anyway). This is in lieu of the puffer when needed.
It would take 3-5 days to receive, and she WAS NOT GOING TO HAVE IT. (ooooooooh boy!)
Later, she took a nap and Cooper waited patiently for her.

Oh, little Tot. I am so worried about you, and I’m pleading with God for help.
If we use too much Albuterol, she gets chest pains and rapid heartbeat. I learned this the hard way.
We will try school tomorrow. Stay tuned.