I love hummingbirds. Did you know….

My honey gave me a card that had this on the back. I think it’s symbolic of what we need to have more of in our lives. We are so encumbered by our schedules. But what if we lived with more grace and more recognition of the beauty around us. We create it with what we choose to focus on.
Doug gave me that reminder for my birthday. Now, for a gift, I get Cooper, but he gave me more of a gift tonight. The gift of time with me at Ruth Chris steakhouse.
How handsome is my man? I am proud to be with him also because of that handsome heart of his.

When we sat down, they made me feel so special. Reserved for a lovely couple.

We decided to play “questions” for a while, and interestingly, we had a few misunderstandings and conflicts. But, what came out of it is what counts. We got more clarity! It’s so cool how that works. He held my hand and assured me of what was worrying me. In this way, he is a leader. He knows what I need and how to help. We also always talk and pray it out.
Then, he gave me the cutest card ever!!

Look who is on the front?

Looks just like little Cooper!
But more importantly, what he wrote inside. He never forgets the important things. His heart is full of love and desire to grow.

He is KING of the little things; he never forgets. I’m honored, blessed, and so grateful. 50 ain’t so bad! It is only going to get better. Thank you, dear husband, for being my HHH and for blessing me. Love you to pieces.