Tatum and I like to go out to breakfast on Fridays. We have been going to Einstein’s before school to do our devotion, pray, and talk.
When we were there last week, a lovely gentleman in his 70’s approached us and was so impressed at Tatum and her reading of the Bible. He went out to his car and brought Tatum this rock. His wife makes these to inspire people.

Well, this week, remember how she gave out the verses, pictures and lollipops to her classmates?

She was a bit disappointed that they only seemed to enjoy the lollipop. I told her that God saw her generosity and that is all that matters.
So we are in Einstein’s again this Friday and who should walk in but this nice man, Bill, and his rock-inspiring wife, Carole. She was hoping Tatum was there because she had a gift for her.

LOOK AT THE PICTURE! She had NO idea we had a white dog. I told her the Holy Spirit revealed this to her!

Look at that! Tatum realized that this gift was a result of her sowing kindness and generosity.. We always get back what we give out….10 fold! (That can be good and bad, I reminded her).
Thank you, Carole, for the kind rock. You’ve inspired us!