With a little help….

From our neighbor!

We read about the Good Samaritan todayIMG_4417

Everyone is our neighbor, and we should always help when someone is in need. That someone does not have to be a bosom buddy; it could be a man on the street or kiddo who needs some new shoes.  Today at church, I was the teacher in Tot’s class, and we learned that we can always be quick to help and slow to judge. We then made first aid kits to symbolize this. 

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Tatum was my little helper. IMG_4413And boy was she a-hoppin!

IMG_4416After this, we made it to our favorite Sunday activity after church: THE PUPPET SHOW!

This week: Little Bunny’s Halloween. The theme was a bit like church: Showing a little help, we can be a good neighbor too. This little bunny was scared of Halloween! He needed some encouragement, and he also needed to see it as a way to share some candy, some laughs, and be creative with a fun costume. With a little help from his mommy and some friendly ghosts, he had a great Halloween. IMG_4420

OK, maybe it was not quite the Good Samaritan story, but you know what? We are making sure that wherever we go, whoever we meet, whatever we do, we are being the HELPER, the ENCOURAGER, and the one who can makes others HAPPY! Even if it’s making a silly face. 
