Last year it was canceled due to COVID, so this year would not disappoint. Tatum would be in the beginning of the show as Donner, and OH is she cute!
First, there was SO much work that went into this production. They start in the summer, and they put their ALL into it. It’s a huge outreach for SBC as so many get the meaning of Christmas through this show. Every year, it sells out! This was probably the best one yet.
This year, they had a little elf, Stillwell, do the emceeing.
How cute! He was so funny and truly lightened up the beginning.

They opened the show with singing and dancing,

and many screens of different Christmas scenes.

Tatum would be coming out soon! Here are many different moments; SHE WARMED THE HEARTS of every one!

After her cute performance, onto some amazing singing from FROZEN.

The meaning of Christmas was weaved through the show leading up to the BIRTH of our Savior.
This song was about those who feel loss at Christmas. You are never alone when you have HIM!

Later, EMMANUEL! Spectacular.

We are leading into the procession. Goats involved!

And OH….the baby.

EVERYTHING changed the minute our Savior was born. Hope arises.

This lovely girl sang Oh Holy Night (one of my favs)
She reminds me of what Tot might look like in a few years.
Her voice is angelic.

Rustin gave the message; truly heart-felt. We prayed for Austin to truly HEAR it. Overcoming; especially when you hit rock bottom. Jesus is waiting to pick you up. COME AS YOU ARE> He loves you and wants to rescue you from your bondage to sin.

We all need it. Ethan sang more at the end.

Magnificent, AWESOME, Glorious. The show made so many cry with joy and hopefully with reuniting back to HIM.
Austin, I love you. We continue to pray for you to COME HOME to HIM.

Now with Daddy! He loves you so much!

Tatum only had one more show after this group pic. TEN shows! WOW!
So proud of you sweet girl.

She is ready for a bigger part next year. I told her she had to start somewhere! She’ll never forget being a reindeer as her first part. She was the best one too!
Family in front of the tree. AAAHHH family. My happy place.

What a wonderful time of year. Thank you SBC. Thank you family. I love you!