It’s all coming to an end with a joyful noise. The noise is coming from me rejoicing in how proud I am of my girl.
First, we had a plan of all kinds of activities to fill our summer.

We were overly successful. We accomplished pretty much everything on this list.
Crafts, planting, Brain Quest, library/reading, swimming class, piano lessons, lots of games, Phx Theater camp, many lego fun times, Sedona, Prescott, cookies for policemen, book donations, water/granola for homeless, St. Vincent’s donations, journaling daily…and LOTS OF LOVE. Oh, and did I mention Cooper?
We kept track of her Piano, Reading and Brain Questing. Cooper got tallies too for being so still while we played our piano and journaled.

Just look at this improvement in her handwriting!! I gave her a happy emoji and a load of balloons on the top.

Cooper was “down” the whole time. Good little puppy!

She finished up her Brain Quest (8 levels!). (only 3 more pages and she’ll do that on Friday)

I don’t think Mrs. Finman (her new 1st grade teacher) will see that SLIDE that usually occurs with the kiddos over the summer.
Tatum and I also made our own storybooks.

It needs some color. Which one is me? Only the readers get to know. heehee

Daddy also joined us on Sunday for our verse practice. We are up to about 60 verses. It’s been a fun tradition now for 2 years.

Cooper is learning too.

I can’t even describe the party in my heart that is going on. I have had the best time with her. I’ve seen tremendous maturity in my little gal. She is turning into a lovely, kind, Jesus-loving young lady.
I’m going to miss you while you are in school, my sweet girl. Thank you for making my summer so special.