They all happened today!
Before we were to head to our zoo outing, Tatum had her Sportball lesson with a game of hockey. She was to wear her Halloween costume. OK, I forgot, so she sported some superhero shades. Now, which one to wear…hmmmmmmmmm?
I say Clark Kent all the way!
The fact that they wouldn’t stay on her face ended up being just fine because we could not decide.
In the month of October, the zoo is staying open until 7pm, so Jennie and I decided to meet there and let the cuties bond since they aren’t in school together. Before they arrived, we met a little prairie dog named Keanu. Did you know they only live to be a year old? AND they are not really dogs! Ok, that is obvious. They are part of the squirrel family. This little guy is almost two, so he’s beating the odds. It must be all of those Cheerios. I think Tot likes dogs better.
From afar, she spotted Robert, and they ran as fast as lightning towards each other. Their embrace made them both fall. They couldn’t stop hugging.
Off we went to see the sights. It was a ghost town at the zoo! We had the whole place to ourselves. Truly surreal. Right now through January, the Zoo has some AMAZING LEGO displays of many of their animals. We first happened upon this polar bear Lego exhibit consisting of over 150,000 Legos. Yes, really.
Ridiculously phenomenal. How!!?
Then some butterflies, birds (I missed what kind so I won’t guess), zebras, rhinos…
Now, where were the REAL animals? All of a sudden, we heard the lions roaring! They spoke to each other for a few minutes! Apparently there are two lions together; an older lioness and a young teen lion. He’s pretty sure of himself and makes sure we know he is the king.
I was glad the Tot and Robert had a THICK piece of glass in between. I can’t even think about…
Jennie took us on the back roads to view the oryx and the cool experiment the Phoenix Zoo did to make sure these gorgeous creatures did not become extinct. Supposedly, the zoo took on 9 oryx from the Middle East, bred them in the controlled wild, and then sent back over 400. They are happy to reproduce! Hooray for our zoo.
It was getting dark, and we heard music! Tatum and Robert hopped in Weston’s stroller (I got to carry the lil’ guy), and we headed toward the music and lights.They are getting ready for Christmas with the Zoolight exhibit, so we decided to picnic next to the pond and the lights. Jingle Bells and various Christmas carols were timed with the lights. I figured they were just testing it all out, and we were the guinea pigs. No problem with that! It was spectacular!
Tot played with Weston (he’s almost ONE!), and Jennie and I chatted.
Jennie, Robert and now Weston are truly such blessings in our lives.
Thank you for such a great time!