Welcome to our family, Amarillo (RILLO!)

As you know, we lost Woody two weeks ago in a sad accident. It has been a process of healing and growing. Tatum and I have been waiting for the new birds to become available at Birds and Then Some. Jacqueline kindly told us we would have the FIRST pick of the new two hand fed birds that would be arriving any day. They would be a mix/hybrid of English and American (Australian) breed of parakeet.

According to experts, “The English Budgie and the American Budgie are quite different in appearance as well as their temperament and characteristics; The American Budgie, also called the Australian Budgie, tends to be quite small in size but they can also be loud and vocal in their home.” Conversely, the English Budgie, which is also called the Show Budgie or Exhibition Budgie, is much larger is not as loud or vocal. They tend to be sweeter and more “go with the flow.”

When Tatum met the new two birds, she instantly locked eyes with this one. HE also was a HE which is what she wanted. They hit if off instantly. Tatum wrote about it below:


August 17, 2023 

My eyes fixed on two small little parakeets. Which one was him, I thought as I glanced at the female, then the male. As soon as the woman walked over to us I pointed at the male. “ May I please hold him”?  I asked with a quivering lip. The small parakeet started to nip at my thumb in a playful way. Tweet , chirp and bounce, tweet, chirp,and bounce, is what this small bundle of joy kept doing. All the sudden I thought of a name, Tweety. But then my mom said the perfect name, Amarillo. The nickname Rio started to scream at me.  

Then at the cash register a cute small baby love bird and Rio started to play. The two were adorable and I loved Rio even more. 

He continued to puff up his feathers as he was so animated at only 1 1/2 months old!

An hour later me and Rio were in the car playing, but Rio was as silent as a mouse. I had fallen in love with him and I was not going to let him get hurt.                  

At home I grabbed my iPad and me and Rio watched Dainel tiger. I set the table and then me and Rio were off to learn some Spanish on ,Duolingo. Rio also ate some dinner, seed’s. Then me, mommy, Rio, and Coopy went into the art room to read, Matilda.    

Pretty soon it was time to go to bed. Rio went into his cage and I turned on some relaxing classical music for us. Then the lights went off and we went to bed.   


Little Amarillo! Rillo!

He is definitely “chill!”

A new era has arrived, and for that we are so grateful.