We make it fun

Whether it’s eating…..

Ok, so this is my current specialty. (Scary that my specialties have been reduced to culinary delights). Oatmeal is our daily brekkie, and I love to give it pizazz. Sugar free chocolate chips surround the whipped cream cross. Would Jesus find this sacrilegious? Well, Tatum would find it delicious.

And then we make homework fun…..

Today, she got to write her numbers 1-50, so we started by making ice cream cones and then we added sprinkles.

We then counted the numbers down as we counted.  Perhaps it would have been better if we licked a real ice cream cone  as we counted?

And who could forget Coti watching!

Whatever Tatum and I do, we have fun. That is what our Terrific Tuesdays are all about.