Yep, Tatum’s dream was to go there again. We were supposed to be in Sedona this week, but we canceled. Tot begged to go to LegoLand instead, so I said YES!
Donning our TEAM HAY shirts (since Tot likes to match on Tuesdays), we arrived when they opened. Excited!

We agreed the gift shop would be our last destination, so we started on the video game room. She tried to create her own character.

Fun, but we were ready for the ride! Let’s go shoot some bad guys.

Here’s your weapon, Love.

I had mine ready to go too, so we were armed and ready.

Ok, she is winning. (see the number on the left is Tot’s and mine is on the right)

The sky photo caught us looking WAAAAY too intense.

Relax! We needed to chill in the lego building room. This is PHENOMENAL!
This plays music…4 different instruments.

There we so many scenes. Look! We just went to the Sugar Bowl yesterday.
(they call in SUGAR RUSH …HA!)

Water and ships. Look how they made it sparkle!

Sunflower field!

The Grand Canyon skywalk.

We were awed!
Now, it’s time to go into the big room and …….Oh, hello!

What a nice host.
Building a car was fun so we could race it. Go tot!

I caught it on film before it went KAPOOEY!
Let’s race it over here.

I had no idea they had farm animals. For the love of dairy.

The 4 D movie was next.

Now, 4 D means we get REAL action. That means water spraying on us. I don’t mean a few squirts. It was constant spraying through the movie since the police chase involved so much water (in the movie). They should have provided a hair dryer as we left. Well, in 110 degrees, it was nice to be wet.
As promised, the gift shop. Kind of a disappointment, so we just bought a little Elmo keychain. They got into the SUNS spirit. (The final game is tonight!)


PaaaaLEASE! (they need to win tonight)
What a F.U.N day with my girl. XXOO. I love you so much LOVEBUG