Our meeting this week was another creative endeavor. The teacher in me tends to come out since it has been dormant for a while~ Ha!

So, I had my loves sit down and hear me out: “I’m going to read our mission statement and I want you to write down three words that you hear or that resonate with you. Then, we’ll draw what that means to you!”
Here we go:

And there they go.

Tatum went first.
She drew these three words: grateful, strive, committed.
The first guy is showing his gratitude journal; the second guy is striving in his garden, and the third guy is committed to swimming his best!

Ok, my honey went next.

His was quite deep and lovely! Words: Family, God, Love
We, as a family, are on a journey. (toward GOD!), and we are crossing the rivers of adversity, but we have LOVE keeping us together and focused as we journey towards him daily. It’s a daily endeavor, but with each other and God, we shall persevere. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
OK, now me.

Words: Honor, Grace, Love.
Rooted and grounded in LOVE, our family HONORS God. Daddy and I surround Tatum (with protection and love) as we Honor God; she has her eyes on God, and she honors us which in turn honors God. This allows us all to have GRACE for each other and for all. This all comes from our root of Love that grounds us all. We, Team Hay, will continue on in his LOVE journey. XXOO

I love you, Hays.