Tatum and I read a DEVOTION and Bible Verse daily.

The beginning of February reminded me that it’s a true learning curve that I find myself going on with her. Nobody is immune to growth. We all need it and we all need to be humbled by our puffed up knowledge at times.

Anyway, we spend time discussing the Bible verse and what it means for our lives. The devotion is an extra dose of fodder for discussion and application for our lives.
Just the other day, I thought it was especially good.

This verse in James can be completely misunderstood, but put in the context of beauty coming from ashes, makes it truly welcoming. Not that we welcome pain and suffering: NO! However, as Tatum grows, she will experience challenges. WE ALL DO. It’s how you handle it that separates you from the world. HOW can you embrace your hardships and turn them into good? God will, and knowing that with your whole heart will allow you to trust that this too shall pass, and it will grow my relationship with HIM. It will also sanctify me into becoming more like Christ. Now that I’ll welcome. I continue to teach this to Tatum, and seeing it in the devotion gave Tatum more realization of how she need not fear.
I love praying with her in the morning. Today, she read to me and wanted to do the praying. OK! I’ll take it my sweet girl. I love being on the Learning Curve with you.

You are a delight to my soul.