Wanting is not the same is needing. Oh…the lessons in life!

So, since we moved into our McCormick house, we have watched a home across the street go from being an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. The time it took? About 3 years. Man, it was an eye-sore! But …oh wow. Now, it’ pretty amazing.

Tatum and I were noticing that they had an open house over the weekend, so we asked Daddy to go check it out with us.

Mistake? Not sure. It was definitely a challenge to our ability not to be tempted. Coveting….lusting….envying…whatever that greenish color you become when you want something; it hit Tatum and me. It hit her pretty hard. It’s like whenever you buy a NEW SHINY THING> (NST) The NST can be a car, purse, phone, person…you name it. The excitement of the “newness” wears off, and oh…that NST looks pretty attractive. (UNTIL!!!! The next NST comes along, right?)

I have to say I was a bit surprised at her reaction because she LOVES our home so much, and LOVES her life! The bedroom and back yard became a “covet” for her.

This was also a lesson in money because she couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that it literally was a million dollars over what our home is worth. She started questioning me randomly throughout that day:
1. How much do you get paid, Mommy?
2. How much does Daddy get paid?
3. How much do I have in my savings account, Mommy?
on and on……

I did not give her the responses she wanted, but she still persisted. She was willing to give us ALL of her money PLUS sell half of her toys. We couldn’t convince her not to.

This is Tot on Monday after school…note many of her favorite toys.

Now, she gave me a few dollars that she made. I put it in HER bank account. She needs about $999,000 more. Shall I tell her?

We are learning the joy of waiting and trusting GOD’S plan for timing. We LOVE our home! We also would like to maybe move sometime, but that is not up to us. It’s in HIS timing, and HE has it all picked out if that is HIS will.

Learning. Trusting. Being CONTENT in ALL things!