Up, down and around

Yes, I buy her a drum and she is more interested in opening it up and taking out the instruments and putting them back in. Most parents would love this, but I model for her banging away!


She takes the shaky egg and decides to go in Coti’s house to hide (with the egg!)


Then it’s UP/DOWN in front of the mirrorIMG_5399 IMG_5400

And all around…IMG_5402 IMG_5403 IMG_5404

What amazes me is that each day she is a new creation in my eyes. Tatum’s curiosity and observant mind shines on her face and is infectious. I can’t help but laugh and cry at her beautiful spirit. Gleefully, she is more interested in BEING the instrument than playing it. IMG_5408 IMG_5409 IMG_5410 IMG_5412 IMG_5413Her BIG personality explodes out of her tiny 30 inch body. It’s a joy to be her mommy.