The BABY BOY was born; The hope of all creation. The removal of all inequality. The ultimate forgiveness of sin.
We would have Mama over for dinner and games
Getting ready, Doug would make the ham on the smoker! SO EXCITED!
BEFORE and AFTER! Look at that glaze.

Got the table all pretty.

And Mama arrived!

We started to play SNOOPY COME HOME> Oye. We all just tried to make the game go faster.
It was a nice dinner; ham, butternut squash, mashed potatoes, salad, and green beans.

Talked about memories at dinner, and we just let Mama talk and enjoy herself.
Later, more pics and fun!

And Coopy got MORE love, while Rio watched Lego Christmas.

Tatum got to enjoy some stocking gifts later. …SHE LOVES CANDY CANES, and Daddy gave her this adorable gingerbread house we bought in Pine; lovely memories.

Tatum and I ended the evening reading The Night Before Christmas, duet-style.

Tomorrow? We all need a miracle for health and good sleep tonight!