Watching her grow boggles my mind. I’m constantly in awe of the littlest things she does, and I wonder where she gets it? I realize she watches me, but it’s curious how her mind works. Today, she discovered the high chair in her room and carefully put baby and Tata in there to read them a book. What I enjoyed watching was how she had the two of them react with each other. She had them kiss and share. Then she had them listen while she (piled) read books to them.
Then she responsibly put her books back as she has been modeled and taught. Her kindness and ability to share that with others is what I continually try to capitalize on. Her skills can be taught, but her character needs to be not only taught but caught. How? By me modeling it for her constantly. This comes from the books we read, the consistency of my expectations, and how I act in public and with my loved ones.
Sometimes, it does not go so well. The minute she swings her hands out of anger or frustration or she throws something out of the same, I have to rectify it by telling her it’s wrong, giving her a time out and showing her what IS expected. Her egocentricism is completely apparent as she discovers the world should revolve around her as it has for the past couple years (and it kind of has!) When she does not get something when SHE expects or the WAY SHE wants it, then DRAMA city. Sadly, I know many adults who still have not grown out of this narcissism. But she will. She will learn patience, kindness, sharing and respect. Also, humility, not high self-esteem, but a healthy respect for herself and a respect for others. How? Time, hard work, consistency and LOTS OF LOVE. And more LOVE.