After a decent night’s sleep, we headed to the mini-gym with Tot for a short workout. Then, it was time to head to Kitt Peak for our 3 tours. Now, I couldn’t wait! I had wanted to go to this place for many years, and today it would happen. I had high expectations.
Our drive up there was quite windy and exciting. It happened to be very chilly, and none of us dressed for this. From the road, we started to get excited no matter the temperature.

When we arrived, we headed into the visitor’s center to buy our tickets.

When the 10am tour began, Noel introduced himself as our guide. We sat and watched a short history about the observatory. It sits on 3 million acres of the Tohono O’ohdham Indian reservation. Kitt Peak is the 2nd most sacred place.

Tatum was full of questions, and Noel was patient with her. She was very enthusiastic about learning.
We then headed out, and my honey was very cold in his short sleeved shirt, so Noel let him borrow his jacket. Phew! So grateful. Tot and Doug are now all bundled.

We headed first to the solar telescope. We had high hopes to see through it!

When we got there, we found out it was not operational right now. (OH how sad!!)

It was magnificent however.
The pictures it has taken were quite extraordinary but very dated. The technology has not kept up.

We did learn about the size and temperatures. God is glorious!
Now look at the comparisons!

We learned about the prism of light.

And Tatum tried to catch it!

Finally, we headed to the 2.1 M Telescope next.

Sadly, again, we couldn’t look into it, but we did see the ladybug castle. They’re everywhere!

And they land on you constantly! It was a highlight.
We opted not to go through the final tour. It was a bit of a disappointment, but we all did learn so much. I just appreciate the vastness of our universe, and the power of God to have created it all in one day.

We headed to Subway from our adventure. Daddy told us jokes the whole lunch. Tatum was laughing hysterically (srsly!)

Then, we played ping pong, badminton, and swimming.

The amount of laughter going on during the ping-pong made the whole day worth it.

The evening was simple. We did have to have a long conversation about a few wrong choices on Tot’s part. But, the result was amazing. We all prayed and we all stressed that HAYS are a team. Let’s be on the same side.

Hay family, I love you. We are working out the kinks. The Holy Spirit is in all of us to guide us! Tomorrow, the PUMPKIN PATCH!