Try again!

I had just gotten her out of bed, and she instantly wanted to play on her piano. She wanted me to sit right next to her, and when I attempted to hit one of the buttons, she sassily screamed, “No!” I immediately got up and walked out of the room and told her I did not appreciate her attitude. She would need to try again. I proceeded to go into my room.

After about a minute, she begged me to return to try again, and she sat herself on the carpet, closed her eyes, sitting indian style and said, “God help me.” She looked at me and said, “Mommy I need to try again and I need to pray for help.” Melt. I told her she should just say, “No, Thank you,” if someone touches it and she doesn’t want them to.


Next thing I know, she is sweetly saying, “No thank you” when I touched it. The whole experience was a learning experience for both of us. Her ability to honor me and the grace I give her to “try again” is the fuel that keeps her making the right choices and grow.

Focused and ready to take on the day, we went and visited Ms. Barb at her new Preschool. She will be going for about 2 hours 2 days a week. While there, she met a friend, Bren, and they decided to paint.

IMG_0441I love their philosophy about not having commercial toys but more real life stuff. The play is authentic and teaches them to be more imaginative. She’ll start in about two weeks, and although I’m sad to not be with her a bit during the week, I know she will love it. I also know that she will have many opportunities to not give up but to continue to TRY AGAIN!