After school, I love to give Tatum a treat.
Today was just a little fun! I do love to make it special for her since ….well….homework, you know. (Oh, and I owed her for the many “100’s” she has received. Pay up! (I don’t mind paying here).

She also tries to make things “more fun” by having new looks every day. The glasses seem to be the catalyst. The newest pair: Speckled and surprising. Just like her!

Which shall she pick for tomorrow ? We hope to go to an outing…so which shall she wear?

So, we did! Tot and I went to As You Wish, and what did we paint?
Well, Tot worked on a couple of nomes, and me? I wanted to celebrate our mission: Living the 6G life.
We surprised Daddy at Idea dinner.

And the other nome? We named him “Nomo” since each day we’d hide him. Nomo Gnome.

Our Idea dinners are always full of joy. We love to brainstorm new ideas for our family and others.
We shall continue to live our 6 G LIFE!