Tough times need more LOVE

Yesterday at church, Pastor Terry reminded us that in these tough times of so much division, we need to remember that JESUS has overcome this world! John 16: 33: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Ok, so what does this mean to us right now? Not a day goes by when I don’t hear about a horrific event on the news. Just yesterday, I weeped for our policemen as they are being unfairly attacked. There is so much more to come which will require us to be on our knees. What this means is that we need to be MORE loving to our neighbors. Although the solution may be to fight back and be angry, it’s in this time that we need to exhibit MORE gratitude for what we have and for who we are in Christ. More people need to see the Love of Jesus; not the judging or criticizing that the world does to who or what we don’t agree.


Tatum is learning about gratitude; she is learning about the LOVE that we need to show to people and to overcome the evil that exists. (which she unfortunately will discover). The only way she’ll survive this scary world is to be prepared; to be armed with the WORD, with the HOLY SPIRIT in her heart to guide her, and with the knowledge that GOD loves her no matter what. I will also add that is learning to be so thankful for what she already has and to be grateful that she is a child of the KING.  I’m pretty sure that the people who commit such heinous acts do not know these things (or have rejected them). Perhaps, we need to be the lights shining in the darkness; a light cannot shine if it is covered; it also exposes evil and can enlighten that darkness.

Right now, I can protect her and teach her all that is GOOD and all that is RIGHT. With God’s help, I can fill her with the wisdom I have learned and am still learning. She can then share it first with her baby and Coti, and then more in the future, right?


She can also sing her worship music as she often does so beautifullyIMG_3730She will be the light; she will be the bright light of LOVE, driving out the EVIL.

These tough times require this.