It only comes once every four years, so what else could we do to celebrate but write a book together. It all started with us planning out what we wanted to write about, and we landed on it being about a pig and a pup. Perfect! Now it was time to come up with a plot. We didn’t want to have any words in the book. Therefore we would portray our story in pictures!
A notecard would hold our ideas.

Now we are ready. We divided up the pages and got to work.
Tot started with the cover of a beach.

(We added the words later).
After we each drew each page, we “bound” the book and VOILA! It’s ready for publishing.
Would you like to read the story with us? You follow along and add words with your own imagination.

Book TWO here we come!
(special thanks to Mo Willems and Charles Schulz for the inspiration behind Piggie and Snoopy).