Through Tatum’s eyes

I decided to give Tatum access to a camera through my iPhone. We went to the aquarium to try out her ability to SEE what she could see.

The sloth, Squidney, was actively itching himself which caused him to fall asleep. It took him about 3 minutes to scratch with one arm, then he switched. Tatum took a video of the whole process. It was exhausting to watch this little guy move so slowly.

Then a close up of this black-nosed slow poke.

We moved on to more still creatures, but he wouldn’t hesitate to bite off her head. She snapped him before he would snap her!

She took many more, but these were her favorites. But of course the piece d’resistance was Coti. She had to feed him some of her play milk and strawberry cookies.

He looked more tired than the sloth.

OH, Tot. You have such an eye to capture the true emotion!