Three years of HAY bliss

Happy Anniversary to the Hay Family! Three years ago today, we became ONE! Tot included and I’d say my mom and Austin too because you really are combining two families. But, truly, how wonderful! To celebrate, I wanted to have a separate date with Doug on another night, and have dinner for our family on the actual anniversary.

Mom came over around 5, and we played Exploding Minions to lighten the mood. There’s nothing like trying not to explode with diffusing cards! (we love to steal them from each other!)

Ok time to eat!

Pork roast, rosemary fingerling potatoes and salad. Simple yet delicious.

During dinner we remembered some wonderful memories from our first three years.

I love that we have the love and protection not only from our Heavenly Father, but also now our earthly Daddy!

It was perfect timing because the next weekend we had a marriage seminar and Doug and I got to reflect on each other and appreciation. Just wow. It’s so important to focus on the good. (as shown!)

This is mine for Doug:

And his for me…(he ran out of time to finish)

Ha! He sure does see so much in me that I didn’t even realize. Cool under pressure…planning SO MUCHto bring our family closer.. I think the best compliment is that I live out my faith daily. Gosh. Honey, I’m so blessed by you. I love you, my sweet HHH. And my Hay family.