Everything for Tatum is an experience. She takes EVERYTHING in; not only the obvious things like a carousel or a train, but little things like being under a table and making a “tunnel”; or…making a game out of going down the stairs like a froggy. The doggie provides an outlet of fun for her. She loves to be his buddy and maybe a big sister. He thinks he is the big brother too, so sometimes this can get a bit confusing!
Her zest for life is contagious. There is not a minute that goes by that she does not inquire about something, so this means at all times I am on! Sure, it gets tiring, but I have to remember that this stage will be so short.
Today, she went around to everyone at music class to say “Hi” and give hugs. Her ability to make others feel welcome and smile inspires me…even her babies and her little new doggie:
Moreover, when she does not get her way, she has this internal button that goes off knowing it was wrong and she experiences remorse. Her fussing does not bother me and neither does her exerting her opinion. I do not overreact. No, I merely talk to her as an adult, explaining the WHY behind what we are doing. What I am proud of is her ability to understand and finally agree.
The park was a fine example of this. She did not want to leave! Why? Because she experienced success climbing:
Throwing sand was not acceptable, however, so after doing it twice, she lost the battle and we left. I explained how much it could hurt another, and I do believe she understood. Why do parents not explain the why? Even if they don’t understand, it’s vital in my humble opinion.
Personality? Charisma? Whatever makes her contagious to be around, I pray she uses it for good to influence the world around her for GOOD.