The other day, when I was reading Dr. Seuss’ ABC book to Tatum (well, we watched it on YOUTUBE being read aloud), it hit me. She is soaking up every minute of time with me as I am with her.
It is not possible to over-do time with her (as some may argue), but I can say that it is possible to UNDER-do time with Tatum. When one puts her child in a day-care situation, it appears to become “easier” to parent because one just hands off baby to caregiver, thinking…”you deal with it…I have to go.”
The conflict one faces in her heart is not understood until one is put in the situation directly. Can one be 100% worker and 100% mommy? I thought one could. I am not that person, however. Trying to do “it all” limits my ability to be the best mom I can be. I get ONE shot at this. ONE. No do-overs of babyhood.