They light up, just like her

Everything about Tatum lights up. Remember, she is a LIGHT in this world (as Jesus says), and she lights up any room, I say.

But now, alas, her shoes will now allow her to never be lost in a dark room. That’s right folks; there are three little lights on these bad boys…every times she jumps, so GUESS HOW MUCH she is jumping now?


Moreover, there is Paw Patrol (Marshall and Chase) on the shoes.

Now, they were put away for her birthday, but she came home with scrunched toes in her pink Skechers (size 5), and these are size 7. I guess I should have clued in when I was twisting and turning her ankle to force her toe in her shoes, as she screamed. (oops)

Well, we made the best of the shoes today by playing soccer/golf/hockey combo in the room.


And then she wanted to garden. IMG_4317 IMG_4318

I must note here that she wanted to wear her Thomas shirt and blue shorts. They were resurrected from the donation pile. (They are size 18 months). But her feet? NOT 18 months.

My girl is a light as it says on her wallIMG_6100 2

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I love you!
