The “Un-Coronado” trip to Sedona for Labor 2021

Every year for four years, we have ventured to Coronado for the Post Labor Day Holiday. (To beat the crowds). This year, we had to change our plans and shorten our time, so I suggested we go to our favorite destination: SEDONA and Poco Diablo: Golf, hiking, red rocks and exquisite views.

What a plan! So we decided to head out late Monday, Labor Day. I cannot wait to get out of town and just be with my family. TRULY JUST BE~ Full of gratitude for these two HAYS. They have gotten me through this very hard time of serious digestion issues and other health complications.

Tatum is begging for us to go also!

We are locked, loaded, prayed up and raring to go!!! Daddy packed up the car so well! He’s such a creative engineer XXOO



Coopy was dropped off the night prior, so we head straight to Sedona and to lunch. After, we checked in to the Poco Diablo. King suite overlooking golf course of course!

We swam, relaxed, and then headed to get our dinner. As usual, we love to sit in our room, laugh, talk, share our gratitudes of the day. OH, and tell jokes. It’s the (almost) best part of my day; the first is the devotion with Tot.

Ok, the next morning, gym, devotion on the golf course, prayers, and then…..HIKING!
We found a hidden trail and just went for it!

The views were spectacular and the trail was well marked. Halleluia!

BUT….it was unseasonable H.O.T, so we didn’t last very long. We also had a jeep ride at 11am, so we needed to hustle back down the mountain.

We headed to Red Rocks Jeep for our tour.

I found a great deal on a Jeep Tour, and I thought it would be fun to learn some history and fun facts about Sedona! Plus the views would be spectacular.


So we start our ride with Lynn, the tour guide. She is a plethora of information! From the sap on the cactus being a healing sap (from the Balsa or Pinon Pine) to the bacteria that grows on the ground to keep the forest alive. From the fact that there are over 800 dormant volcanos in AZ to the beautiful blue jay we came across.

But, what we didn’t expect was the BUMPINESS of the ride. I mean over the largest boulders and rocks! 4×4 on steroids.

This is before: MOMMY, this is awesome!

And me…

OH, boy, we had no idea.

We were tossled and bossled. Tipped and bipped. Upsied and downsied.

Eventually we reached our destination of the cabin in the middle of nowhere. Years ago, this fellow Bill built a cabin for his love. She didn’t want to move in because she was a city girl, so what did he do? Built it bigger. Oh, he didn’t really get it, did he?
Alas, here it is!

And this sweet little plant lives inside.

We got to capture the views in all directions. SO glorious. Nothing compares to you, God.

Guess what they are building next to this beautiful area?
A golf course!? It is pretty, but for some reason, it feels odd in the middle of this majestic environment.

We also got to see lizard head rock…see up high?

On the way back, she showed us Sedona. She is what the city is named after. There is so much history with just a few families.

Well, we arrived back at the depot, and we were F.I.L.T.H.Y!!! Every crevice of our being was red dust. And, we all were a bit jostled!
Not sure if we’ll do that again. BUT, it was fascinating to learn so much!

The Native Americans use EVERY piece of the land. God is so creative that He made everything …I mean everything for a purpose. Every plant, animal, tree…

Later, we golfed…

I played one hole, and then I wasn’t feeling well, so I laid down… But, I did go swimming with them. Dinner was AMAZING with all of us.

Gratitude journals of Daddy and Tot.

Here’s the Daddy’s new FANCY SCHMANCY Smart watch. It does and measures everything except it doesn’t do dishes. But most important, it finds his phone. Glorious! If it can only find our minds! xo

OH, the joy of our dinners. I love them!!!
So, we left the next morning and got home in time for a nice brunch. I’m so very grateful for my honey driving safe and making time for us to get home on time. Coopy was sooooo happy to see us.

May the HAY adventures continue!
THANK YOU, FAMILY, for loving on me this week. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!