The sloth moved and then…..

fell back asleep. That little stretch made him sleepy!
Everytime we visit the OdySea aquarium, Sqydney the sloth slumbers. ZZZZZZZ. So, you can imagine our excitement to see him.

The day started as usual: a bit of reading. Tatum is on a roll with her books.

Then we hit the gym, store, coffee, runs to visit our favorite clerks. Off to the Aquarium to see what we could see.

Our visits always promise to see something new. The catfish the size of Tatum.

The sleeping fish. I had not noticed before, but they rest on the bottom.

He seems to be sayin, “can you just move on please!?”

More camouflaged fish. I say this because they hide in the seaweed or blend with the rocks.  See that little guy hiding under the other fish in the “weeds?”

Tatum took this picture. She asked if they would pinch her if she got near him. I said if he did, I’d just eat him.

Then….dadadaaaaaaaaa! Sqydney!!!!! He was moving when we approached him, then did a big long long long stretch, and fell right back to sleep. That was the most action he had all day.

His little face! Just so adorable. But sleepy!

After hunting more fish, we ended our fun day with her last day of Sportball for this session.

“What’s your favorite sport at SB?”


Coach Stephen, you have done it again.