We believe turning lemons in to lemonade. What choice do we have? Tatum and I have been going through incredible health challenges the past two weeks. From insomnia, viruses, fatigue, nausea, vomiting…you name it.

Yes, she’s walking around the house with a jacket on, and then the next minute she’s burning up.
But, we are still writing, smiling, reading, and watching worship videos.
She’s also been keeping up on all of her school work! She just finished a cute essay on an invention she has: THE READRAMA…so creative. MY KIDDO’S BRAIN!

She’s also preparing her room for Valentines’ Day. She loves love; Loves to love on us and her birdie.

I pray we get over this soon. It’s time for the lemonade to start flowing because we keep our eyes on HIM> We love you, Jesus and we know what YOU ALLOW YOU REDEEM!