Not only was it a day to visit the famous Phoenix Science Museum, it was a day of fun for all of us.
Cana (my dear friend from my mom’s group) and her 2-year old Ethan invited us to go with them. Not only did she buy me a big cup of decaf, she showed me around this 3-story fascination!
When we first got there, it wasn’t open, so Tatum and Ethan ran around. Cana was trying to catch Ethan, and Tatum said, “I’ll get him, Mommy!” She came back and said, “Ethan wouldn’t hold my hand and kept running!” I said, “Now you know how I feel!” Ha.
So we posed a bit in front of a lady bug. (this is the best I could do with there being an insect exhibit)
And then Tot discovered she could see her eye….
Enlarged above her! I’m watching you!
Then off to water fun. Pull the lever when the ball comes down, and
Boom! the water carries it up and down the spiral staircase. I couldn’t get her away from it.
We headed into the valves and fixtures room. She tried to build a bathroom faucet to no avail.
We headed into the human body exhibit. Balancing on the nodules to show inner ear importance.
The noises and gritty details of each body part freaked her out (So much for her dream of being a doctor?), so we headed to physics.
Spin spin spin, centrifugal forces.
Sleeping on nails? Cana, you better than me!
Pulling the force of the pendulum. She’s stronger than she looks!
Pushing that ball cycle down..and
We really saw so much of the place, but honestly it was a bit overwhelming for a first time. We’ll have to return later. She just tired herself out.
Thanks Cana and Ethan for so much FUN!