I was walking in the hall of Tatum’s school, and there it was. Hanging there, next to all the other kid’s work. Tatum’s story of a scarecrow. Apparently, the kids were to write a story about a scarecrow and anything they wanted. Then they were to color the picture.
First, I couldn’t believe my eyes! Tatum’s handwriting was near perfect. Now, if you know about our summer, I was working on helping her writing skills, but little did I know the payoff!
Next, the story is so adorable; yes, it may be a bit out of order in the beginning, but the idea is so fun. I love that the crow wanted to just be friends with the scary scarecrow (TOM!) and that made him happy.

I love your hard work and that you are doing your best. That is all I ever have asked. Your brain is also so creative and playful. I love you so much, Tatum.