The magic formula for the cough cough cough????

Tatum and I memorize a verse a week from the Bible. She also is memorizing a verse for school. This week for her class, her verse was one that we already have memorized! So she performed for me before bed.

“Be strong and courageous; don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! (in your pocket….(Tatum added this.)” (Joshua 1:9)

God has been with us through this whole process of finding out how to help Tot. Yesterday, the doctor told us her cough is a manifestation of her allergies. “Allergy-induced bronchospasm.” Ok. fancy word for LOTSA COUGHIN’!
SO…..she gave us the coveted (and expensive I might add) INHALER! This one comes with an adapter to help the inhaler get inhaled!

Two puffs three times a day during this season and then if she does some type of sport, two puffs prior. It’s an as-needed puffer!

We also added Singulair which is an allergy/asthma chewable she can take before bed.

So, she has the Zyrtec and Flonase in the morning, two puffs, then two puffs after she gets home from school, two more puffs before bed plus the chewable. The magic formula!??? Well, last night, IT WORKED!!!

Goodbye cough?

We pray yes. God, you’re with us no matter what. Thank you Jesus!