I sent out Evites to all of her buddies. She wanted a Lego-themed party this year.

Almost everyone would be there, but Hayden couldn’t come. I got the nicest text from his mom.

Hayden still wanted to give her a gift. We were overwhelmed with the kindness.
Tot got home from school with a crown and a big smile. She’s ready to party.

All of her classmates wrote inside. All so true!!! xoxo

I headed over to the park to set up, and Doug was kind to pick up my mom and bring the Tot. I set up the food, gift bags, and balloons. Eva would make the cupcakes. Oh, Eva. My hero. She made our wedding cake and she offered to make Tot Lego cupcakes. (She used to have a bakery).

Can you even!!? Little chocolate molded Legos on top.

My mom delightfully came with my honey. How is it that she is 8? We had her 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6th bday party at the park. (Oh, 7 did not happen. No need to discuss).

You look so pretty mom!

The kiddos started to roll in. And then, they disappeared into the park. So, the adults all visited. This was wonderful. I even got a pic with my guy. The park is starting to decorate for Christmas.

Eva found out that the last train would be at 5, so we assembled all the kids and got to the line. First, a pic!

Well, they decided to give us our OWN train. WOW! But first, look who showed up!
Mrs. Phillips!!!

I love you, Tot!!!!

She rode on Mrs. Phillips lap. It was so special!

After the train ride, we headed back for the Lego cupcakes and singing. How perfect because we were all together. I prayed for the group and Tatum, and we began.

My little Eeeeeeeee….say it. 8!!! year old.
I just want to give you another hug and kiss!

Now, before Tatum even starting eating, she asked if she could serve everyone a napkin. Servant’s heart. Melt

And then she wanted to make sure everyone got a gift bag.

Did you get one?
Then, YUM!! Those cupcakes. THOSE CUPCAKES!! We had just enough and even one for Mrs. Phillips’ son. ( We did save just a few…heehee)
You like, Carley? (We are so glad you came!)

A few friend pics. Tot and Teagan (she is TALL!!!)

and Carley

We had a blast. Time to head home and open gifts. We headed to mom’s to eat dinner and open.

There was no shortage of games, Legos, art supplies, crafting gifts, and hair accessories. To be a girl!
I took notes so we could send Thank You notes. (something I model so she knows the importance of appreciation and gratitude.)

The real birthday is on Sunday. We can’t wait to have a nice family dinner and celebrate you as a family.
I love you TOT! I can’t believe you are E.I.G.H.T. The ONLY symmetrical age besides 101. HA!

Thank you friends. Thank you so much for coming and being a family with us.