Now, with the last day of school, you think she’d be thinking of school. NOPE.
Doug and I were still in bed around 6am, and we heard some movement in the kitchen. We weren’t really sure what was going on, but no bother… we ignored it.
Then, as we got ready around 6:15am, Tot came in and said to come into the kitchen with our eyes closed.

I was expecting her fake food to be out from her pretend kitchen. NOPE! She had prepared her own breakfast: Toast and yogurt,

and she got out our muffins with all the fixings. Water, note, and my devotion.

Daddy too!

This is a big deal! She hasn’t been able to reach much, so her doing this is a game changer. She is taking control and wanting to help. I LOVE her heart so much!
TOT!!! You are GENEROUS!
She wore her red, white and, blue earrings for the last day to celebrate our country as well.

She’ll be out soon. I can’t wait for summer to begin!!!