The JOY of being a MOMMY!

Caps all over the place. Why? Because I LOVE being a mom. More caps, I know.

First, we greeted at church Sunday morning. That always brings me so much joy! Why? Because we get to love on others and make them feel welcome and loved.

On our way out, we stopped for a pic. Oh, the smiles.

I love you too!

Awww shux!

The day was so nice. I got to go swimming and rest a bit. I also got to look forward to having a family dinner with Mama. I didn’t have to cook! We got take out. Now, I LOVE to cook for my family, but a night off is always welcome.

Mama came over and gave me lots of love.

Tatum couldn’t wait for me to open my gifts since we’d be using one of them..hint hint.

How FUUUUUUN! I game! Ok, we are playing this. But then….. Daddy said he had to buy this since we are such Dogman fans. Hmmmmm…this looks fun too!

But, we decided on the Labyrinth. GOOD GIFTS GUYS!!!

They are verrrry focused. Mama is strategizing, and Tatum is chomping at the bit to take her turn. Daddy is thinking. I can feel his wood burning. And Coopy? He’s a bit needy, so I plop him on my lap.

Not smart since he just wanted to play the game too. Down you go, Coop. He awaits the drop of something. Anything! Or maybe he’s just pouting?

Tot and I take a selfie break! Smile!

Dinner is ready! So grateful for salads from Wildflower.

After dinner and many wonderful stories from Daddy, The cards abounded and the appreciation overflowed!

MAMA first. We love you so very much!!!

Then Tot wanted to give me this card that comes ALIVE. I spun “BIG HUGS!” Yay me!!

She also spoiled me with some awesome trinkets (Thank you, Daddy).

Jeremiah 29:11. A favorite. He KNOWS our plans. We trust.

More?? Yep. I’m spoiled.

My honey got me the sweetest card ever!
Look at that happy couple on the front. Here’s a kiss for you, my love! (oh, and I get a bonus one from the TOT!) BLESSED!

Now, Tot had been working on some Mother’s Day crafts at school; she was very secretive all week. Now I know why!
Her thumbs surround the picture. Thumbody loves me!

And then the pinky has to get involved. All the little lightning bugs were her pinky. Extra cute.

And the note inside.

Thank you, Family. You make being a MOM the best job in the whole world. I love you MOM too!!! You modeled for me the kind of mom I wanted to be. LOVING.