Remember this picture? Back in April 2019, we took this pic.

It’s been a long road. Yes, it has been a windy, bumpy, often-detoured road to move into our home.
You see, although you have a plan, the plan often gets thwarted. Nothing you have done has made this happen, yet it always happens. Why? God’s plan. He has a much bigger plan, and at the moment, it seems like it’s just not fair or right. Then, you have perspective. You see God’s hand in the mess, and you rejoice. To watch Doug be 100% involved in this project for over 1 1/2 years is amazing. He has been extremely focused while perhaps others have not. HOA issues, permit issues, contractor issues, contracted help issues….and the list goes on. Doug? He has never let us see him sweat. He’s been like that turtle that just keeps going slow and steady, having faith all along the way.
It was to be a maybe 6-month project. It turned out that the WHOLE house was gutted and redone. Termites we can thank for some of that. Doug’s dream we can thank for some of that too.
It’s now so close. Doug’s commitment shows, yet he is exhausted. He goes to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY before work. Then he gives his all to Honeywell and to our family. 100% to each area is a lot of percents. Not really humanly possible, so I dream for him to slow down. Take in some hobbies. Take in His walk with Jesus. Take in us…family time. It’s all around the corner. Literally.
Ok, you gotta see where we are now. Look at the front. Painted…windows. WOW

That door! That 9 foot bazillion dollar door. He was right! It’s magnificent.
And the foyer!

The atom light I picked out. Yay me! (I didn’t give a lot of advice, so I’ll take it)

Our bathroom is glorious. (Doug is working on building our closet. More to come).

Her closet that he built WOW!

Our bedroom.

Kitchen. You’ll see it soon.

Oh, this is the laundry mud room. More later.
My office, the living room, her bedroom, you’ll see soon.
Here’s the hall bathroom.

Oh, we are so close. Maybe after Thanksgiving.
Honey, you have no idea how grateful we are. It’s a dream I’ll never take for granted.
God had us wait so we could be closer as a family in our condo. Also, so you could be home during this time from Honeywell. So many blessings have come from this length of time. We made some valuable friends at the condo which wouldn’t have happened!
We look forward to maybe Christmas in our new home. Until then, we are just grateful for the JOURNEY. May we always embrace to process and not the destination.
XXOO. Love you so much, Tot and HHH.