Doug started to assemble the tree. Now first, assembling a tree. This sounds strange doesn’t it? I mean, usually, snow is falling, and you get in your 4 wheeler and head up the mountain with your hack saw and chop down a beautiful pine. Then you tie it up to your monster truck and lug it into your living room. Isn’t that would it should look like?
Well..ahem…..Nope. We opted for the turbo version: quick assembly, and I am FINE with that. Doug did a LOVELY job getting it going as Coopy watched.
Lookin’ good honey!
I made hot cocoa and we did a little cheers in front of the tree before decorating.

Oops! We forgot our Santa hats! That’s better!

Cooper, you need one too.

Hold still, little guy. Oh, our little wiggle worm.

Our first ornament was from our wedding. Thank you to DK our photographer.

Cooper likes our lovin’. Ok, time to get decorating, Hays!
How about some ice skates?

Or maybe the wedding cake my honey bought me our first Christmas. Was he asking (suggesting)?

We had so much fun making up our first tree. Tot worked up a sweat apparently!

We started our other traditions of our advent calendar.

Cooper got one this year too! Salmon and Sweet Potato treats daily. His form of chocolate!
He is looking forward to the Savior’s birth as well.
Time to head over to the Manger scene. Tatum has taken this over now that she can read.

She adds a character a day as we count down to Baby Jesus and HIS GLORIOUS birth.
It’s so exciting beginning new traditions and keeping some of our old traditions in our Hay Family. We look forward to a bright and beautiful December!