Up and at ’em early (kinda- wink wink) for a nice workout and delicious breakfast.
Did I mention it is free? That made it taste much better, right?

We had a winery appointment at 1:00, so we decided to visit a winery before this. The hotel had FREE (the savings keep adding up) bikes to rent, so we figured we’d ride the 5-10 miles.

The basket was a nice touch. Doug felt so manly with it. Well, he can come back and drive the truck and he’ll get his man card back. Do you like our matching hats? We were wondering why everyone was stopping us and asking about that Cardinal trade. What did we think of that new quarterback Kyle somethingorother. The hats. Aha…our hats. Oh, how cute we look all matching.
Ok, off to the road. The shoulder of the road was barely existent and this gave Doug a bit of heartache, but we made do. Focus, Steph. Focus! How gorgeous it is!

We arrive at our first stop, Monticello.

OH, look! We are welcome, so we head in.

We decided to split a Rose and sit outside, enjoying the scenery.
Then we headed to our destination, Materra wines.

They made us feel so special! The views were exquisite! We also got a tour of the barrels and the winemaking process.
We tasted the Viogner, the Sauvignon Blanc, and their Rose.
We also cleaned up the cheese plate. Not a problem…glad to help.
Pedro was a superb host, and the winery was just beautiful.
Now, the rest of the day, we’d ride around a bit, but then we’d head back to the hotel for a siesta. Why? Because we could.
Dinner was a special treat. I made a reservation at Celadon which is global cuisine at its finest. Before we went in, we wanted to see the back patio. Isn’t it lovely with these arches? The night would be even more lovely.

Here we are in front of the restaurant. Doug loves this pic because I’m all Marilyn Monroe. The wind was sweeping and strong.

They surprised us with some celebratory champagne. We are getting very spoiled!

I wanted to try the mussels and they did not disappoint.

The dinner, we talked about Date 2 which proved to be very fruitful. We always learn things about each other, and sometimes the most obvious things need to be discussed.
Lamb Shank, Halibut, and great conversation, we had a great time!

After, we had to snap some pics of the environment. Now, it’s all lit up! The place came alive, and guess where we were headed?

Back to the hotel…yes!!!
We were both spent from a full and physical day. I love you honey!!!
Tatum had fun with Ethan. Thank you, Cana!!

The day ahead promises to be amazing. I’m having so much fun, Baby!!