Doug and I had the blessing of receiving a gift from some friends. A lovely couple from our church, Mark and Robyn, own part of a hotel in Napa (The River Terrace Inn). This was where we wanted to go anyway, so it truly was a gift for us. The next step was to find help for Tatum. My mom kindly watched her each evening (Th, Fri, Sat), but during the day, I wanted her to have some different options. Each of my dear friends took a day! Sharon would pick her up from school on Thursday, Cana on Friday, and Kellye would spend the day with her on Saturday. Wow. Now, my honey and I could truly relax.
We packed up and headed out on Thursday.. off to the airport!

Can you tell I’m excited!?

We parked and documented because….well, your mind is really mush upon return.

We decided to work on this 10 Great Date book on our trip.

Homework on the plane for Date 1. Baby is working hard and focused on his answers.

Arrived early and headed to the rental place. They only had a Ford truck and my honey almost lost his snack sized bag of pretzels. This is usually TWICE the money.

Do you like the ride honey? We have about 90 minutes of traffic.

It’s roomy and very cozy. Although he is about two arms length away from me.
After fighting CA freeway traffic, we arrived and were greeted by the lovely staff.

A glass of wine was our welcome. Oh, and a killer riverfront room deeeeeeply discounted. We begin to cha-ching the money we are saving and there is great rejoicing.

Mark and Robyn welcomed us too!

Since it was so late, we decided to walk around and find some dinner. I wanted to eat in the room with my honey. I brought the bluetooth speaker, candles, and cozy room clothes. Now we just needed some chilled wine and a nice …..salad? Actually this sounded really good, so we headed to Whole Foods and loaded up. We figured we could have a jumbo salad chock full of heavy ingredients (they weigh it!) since we were saving money by not going out. Don’t you love our rationale?

It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow so we were glad we stayed in.
Meanwhile, back in AZ….Tot is hanging with Sharon and Coco. (her new puppy)

It’s all good!
Tomorrow is going to be lovely!