This shirt she has had since she was 2. Tot is now 6! But she still loves wearing this shirt. I love the thought of keeping the young in us always. It’s so easy to lose that as we get older. She keeps me young, and she definitely remains joyful, curious and excited. All the things that keep us childlike.
What she is growing in is school. My goodness…she is exceeding in everything. 103% in spelling and she is the only one in her class who knows all her phonograms and is reading at a 2nd grade level.
She could still work on counting by 2’s, but when I asked her, she did know it to 20.
I’m so proud of her growth. However, I’m more pleased with her maturity yet playfulness. The playfulness is only getting stronger as she LOVES to play and can for hours.
Coti, sure does love being with her.

And I love her presence even more every day.