It’s a teaching term coined by Lew Vygotsky.
You see, you give students support (scaffolds), and then slowly you take away the scaffolds and give them more responsibility piece by piece. This way they experience success at each stage, and they also have a bit of a challenge to do the individual parts on their own. (upon having support).
Well…..I came up with an idea for Tatum to be empowered each day, but also to keep track of her responsibilities; Also, there are incentives! A punch card, HA..who doesn’t love to move towards a goal? Fill out two punch cards, and she gets some money. She is motivated.
I call it Tot’s Data board.

Now, each box checked doesn’t necessarily mean a punch, but it’s fun to check the box!
In order for her to gain more responsibility, I decided to have her fill out her list daily.
So, this morning, she did it.

Good job, Tot! Your work ethic is growing too. (and hopefully her resilience).