Our final day….alas.
Tatum and Daddy would build rockets. You heard me…ROCKETS! Yes, this would be a fun activity to do later on, but first, we must build, glue, build and glue. Daddy needed his cappuccino to make this all work.

Oh, and also, right along with this, Tatum earned a HIGH FIVE in Rocket Math! (her online Math tutor) So this was the theme of the day.

I think they are just about ready to launch!

In between all this fun, Tatum and I made GRATITUDE bags for her teachers.

She also worked on her story….
She is all ready to go back to school tomorrow. They’ll also celebrate her birthday in class. (She wanted to give back with these bags…love her heart)

This staycation was a great family bonding opportunity. Daddy, being home from work, had a chance to hopefully relax a bit and laugh. We all needed this time together. Next week? Her 10-year old bday and THANKSGIVING!