International luncheon launched the last week of 2nd grade.
She first had to write an essay about being Polish.

Her great grandfather is Polish, so she dressed up as a Polish gal, and I brought polish sausage to enjoy.

All the kids brought in food from their nationality. It was a feast!
Then, the next day, it was the awards ceremony took place. They sang “My Country Tis of Thee” to begin. MELT

Then it was time to present Tatum with her character trait and any award.

Her humility was inspiring. She was surprised and happy about being GENEROUS! She had the trait of generosity. She always shares what she has in the class and is giving of her time. I’ll take that! I love her heart and so does her school.
She also won the TOP reader award with the most books read and the top AR score. Also, 100% on all of her Bible verse memorization.

Oh, Mrs. Phillips! We are going to miss you!

And you silly girls! Isabelle, Teagan, Sophia, and Maddy.

On their way now to the pool party at Diego’s. It couldn’t have gotten any better! Well, except that they had pizza and Gatorade.

The last day is Wednesday. How did this happen so fast?
We love you PVCP.