It was from 5:30am until 7pm with no break. Now, that is the usual drill with the Tot, but today, Sunday, it was her and me all day long with nobody else and also: NO NAP/QUIET TIME. Dumb? You be the judge.
We began the day getting ready for church with the daily shenanigans of do you want to wear this or that; do you want to brush your teeth now or even five minutes; can I have my phone back now etc..Breakfast with the funny paper and more shenanigans in the kitchen with Coti and can I have a taste of this and that, another taste of this and that, more of this and that, and can I have your this and that? etc..
After church, I decided to take her to the Christmas puppet show including the party with Santa. It was to be a surprise. Kids were e..v..e…r..y…w..h…e..r..e! We decided to go into the craft room and make a reindeer puppet.
Tatum stuck close to me and even sat on my lap for the whole show. I was so proud of her ability to sit still for one hour and not move. The others? Not so much. The five vignettes for Christmas were excellent and even depicted the Christ child! Hooray, it was no all about Santa.
After the show, Santa showed up, and she wanted to leave. She was to have nothing to do with this red jolly man, and I think she could tell he was a fake. So..we went in and found a Coti puppet!
She just can’t get enough of him.
Hot cocoa and cookie time, and guess who was first in line for this? I showed her the secret to a delicious cookie and cocoa combo. The big DUNK. Oh what have I done?On the way home, I realized that I was exhausted. She had sucked it all out of me and we had like four hours left before bed. I had to make a way to have a moment of just peace, but to no avail, I was snatched by her adorableness and singing at the top of her lungs. A bit annoyed and frazzled, I finally got to sit in her room and just watch without having to fetch something for her or turn on the light or help her go potty etc…
Looking back a day later, I’m realizing how blessed I am to just have the time with her. I will never take it for granted.